Frédéric Clette, Royal Observatory of Belgium (Co-Organizer; Construction of the international sunspot number)
Leif Svalgaard, Stanford (Co-organizer; Geomagnetic observations; Long-term solar and solar wind reconstruction)
Ed Cliver, AFRL (Co-Organizer; Interests - long-term solar and solar wind reconstruction)
Under construction...
Rainer Arlt, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam (Historical sunspot observations)
Luca Bertello, National Solar Observatory (Calcium II K-line Index)
Ingrid Cnossen, High Altitude Observatory (Effect of Earth's changing dipole on geomagnetic observations)
Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi,
Thierry Dudok de Wit, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Long-term solar/terrestrial reconstructions)
Peter Foukal, Heliophysics Inc. (Ca II K-line Index, Sunspot areas) [via Skype]
Thomas Friedli, Rudolf Wolf Geselleschaft
Laure Lefevre, Royal Observatory of Belgium (Construction of the international sunspot number)
Yury Nagovitsyn,** Pulkovo Observatory (Space weather & climate)
Alexei Pevtsov, National Solar Observatory (Sunspot area; Solar magnetic fields)
Andrey Tlatov, Kislovodsk Solar Station of Pulkovo Observatory (Long-term variation of solar activity)
José Vaquero, Universidad de Extremadura (Historical sunspot record)
- Participating but not attending the 2nd Workshop